health equity, TOGETHER

Your Donation is appreciated

AHN Foundation’s desire is to provide health education to the Black community. The purpose of our health education services is to empower, equip, and encourage the Black community with the goal of:

1. Increasing access to preventative healthcare;

2. Reducing risks associated with medical apartheid; and

3.  Providing safe spaces for Black women in healthcare. 


Your donation will allow our Subject Matter Experts to provide the Black community with the necessary knowledge that will save lives. All donations to AHN Foundation are tax deductible and will fund our Virtual Health Education Pop Up Events.




We Are Committed to our mission and Vision.

AHN Foundation’s mission is to reduce the rates of racism by providing equitable services, health and wellness education, and aid in community capacity building within the Black community.

Ways to Donate

PATH TO health equity and inclusion

Partnership & Collaboration is vital to the social determinants of health. Our organization can only thrive with our friends in the trenches striving to increase positive outcomes for the Black community. — Alicia Coulter, MPH, MSW

AHN Foundation is always looking for organizations to partner and collaborate with to enhance our reach within the Black community. Please connect with us for partnership and collaboration opportunities.