#COVID-19 Fatigue, #Pandemic #Anxiety, or just sick and tired of the pandemic is a legit and understandable space to reside. I find it hard to believe that we have been in this space for over a year now, like, wow, March 2020, the world stopped, and we are still battling the reason why the world stopped, CORONAVIRUS!

If you’re like me, when we were first on “shut down” mode, you found a #Instagram #DJ (my favorite with #DNice), maybe a glass of wine or favorite snack, and you danced like no one was watching. Maybe you started a business or found a new passion for some new at-home activity. Whatever it was, you tried to make the best of a not-so-good situation because you thought, I might as well make the best out of (what we thought would be) this three-month Pandemic.
Summer 2021 – Are We There Yet?!
Fast forward to #Summer 2021, although we are not shut down, COVID-19 continues to present itself as one of the top conversations no matter where you look. Either conversation about another shutdown, #vaccination rates or not, or even evidence of a pandemic that remain at your local grocery store or favorite restaurant.

Many of us are tired and ready for our “normal” lives to return, you know, forgetting about COVID-19 and feeling like this pandemic never happened. Unfortunately, this is not our reality, and we are going to continue to hear about COVID-19 and its effects for a long time to come.
On my #Instagram page @healthequitymph, I took a poll and asked, “Do you have COVID-19 Fatigue.” An alarming 91% of those that responded said YES! This is alarming, for so many reasons (I will talk about later on, I do not want to go on a full tangent within my first blog post!).

It’s Time to Reclaim Our Time
Knowing that most people are dealing with COVID-19 Fatigue, I have a few pointers on how to deal with it. These steps are honestly what I have used to keep me from losing my mind up in here up in here (RIP #DMX). My favorite thing to do that is not listed is to know when to say NO and realize NO MEANS NO!

Perspective As We Navigate In This New Normal
We are still trying to figure out how to navigate this thing called Pandemic Life! If you are reading this, love on yourself, and say, “I MADE IT!” Yes, things are different and sometimes hard. With that said, you have the tools to help you change your perspective and come out of THIS THANG a strong human. I believe in you!

Alicia Coulter, MPH, MSW is the
CEO and Co-Owner of Advantage Health Now .
Mrs. Coulter is a highly sought-after speaker
with a passion for equity and inclusion
and a heart for education.